Thursday, May 28, 2015

We're back!

It's been a three week hiatus and for some reason or another, it's been very difficult to sit down and paint for prolonged periods of time. I'm not sure if the investment of time, the heat, or just sheer procrastination, but I haven't put brush to model in a couple weeks, now.

Rumors of a codex without honour guard, looks like 7th edition will be one big termie party!

To wax positive, the announcement of a new space marine codex saw me working on my unbuilt space marine models. The Forge World Raptors chapter, Raven Guard successors, has me eager for some squad builds focused on heavy weapons, a contrast to the drop podding, rhino riding cousins of their first founding chapter!

My face when I heard the codex I purchased in February will be replaced next week! 

Stay tuned for Shrike's eventual layering, but in the meantime, I've got some new tools and ideas that I'll be profiling in my follow up post. 

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