Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Converted Captain Shrike Model Part 1

So let's be honest, The codex entry for Captain Shrike completely sold me on the Raven Guard. A stealthy, guerrilla space marine captain armed with his Primarch's master crafted lightning claws? YES PLEASE. 

That said... the current model slash ten year old model is woefully static for such a dynamic fella. In this sense, My perception of the character, not the model, gave name to the Shrikesong blog and the potential to tweak or convert models to match my perception of their lore.

Enter the Chinese recast market and it's inevitable effect on the authenticity of Forgeworld models purchased on eBay. I picked up a crusty Captain Korvadae and after weighting the option of giving his near-transparent resin arms a go, I decided to use him as a base for my favorite space marine commander! 

You'll notice that he's a mix of bootleg FW (the body), FW Raven Guard sternguard head and pauldrons, plastic 6th edition lightning claws from the Vanguard Vet kit (the converted termie claws are just laughably oversized), termie plastic crux, and some pouches and grenades from the assault marine kit. Finally, he's the sprinting commando that he's made out to be! 

I removed the collar because of its transparently thin cast, "shaved" and smoothed the bumpy finish, and did my best to glue purity seals and Raven Guard brass bits over the miscast areas on the armor greaves. 

The plan is to retain Shrike's Finecast jump pack, which will be added after the pauldrons and helmet are completely painted. 

Stay tuned for Part 2, with a base coat paint list and progress report! 

Blog Kickoff!

I've been struggling with the collector - modeler complex for some time now. Rather than the sage "build as you buy" methodology, I've accumulated a closet full of unbuilt models that range across four different armies. 

Although this may sound like a great start, it's certainly entrenched my decisions for new models or army tactics.  Accordingly, my hope is that this blog will "keep me honest" and on track! 

Of the four armies, this blog will weigh heavily on Astra Militarum (cough cough Imperial Guard), Raven Guard space marines and their Forgeworld Raptor successor chapter, some Space Wolf allies, and hopefully the greatest displays of talent and plastic eye candy through a guest post or two from my wife and her Ork models.